Survey on Employers
1) Your Name:
2) Your Designation
3) Name of your company
4) Your Phone number
5) Your Email ID
6) What type of industry is yours? (Click all appropriate)
Contract Research
Contract Manufacture
Clinical Research
Any Service Industry Please Specify
7) Areas in which you are involved. Write the no. of employees working in each department against each section (Click all appropriate)
Genetic Engineering/Genetic Modifications
Enzyme Technology
Down Stream Processing
Customer Support & Application Specialist
Animal cell culture
Plant cell culture
Vaccines/Antibodies production
Nutraceutical production
Protein engineering
Bioinformatics/software development
Drug designing/synthesis
Clinical research
Toxicology animal study
Any other area please specify
8) The no. of people working under different head?
A) R&D
B) Production
D) Service
E) Marketing
9) Which of these candidates with the following qualifications will you recruit for entry level employment? (Click all appropriate)
MBA (Biotechnology)
B Pharm
M Pharm
10) Which of the following subjects/specializations you feel as appropriate for your industry/company? (Click all appropriate)
Clinical Microbiology
Applied Microbiology
General Biotechnology
Marine Biotechnology
Agricultural Biotechnology
Animal Biotechnology
Bio Engineering
Genetic Engineering
Plant Biotechnology
Environmental Biotechnology
Chemical Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Industrial Biotechnology
Food Biotechnology
General Life Science
11) How much do you spend on Advertisement for recruitment per annum?
Above 2Lacs
12) What is the mode of Advertisement?
News Paper
Through Manpower agency/consultants
Any other please Specify
13) How much do you spend on each category?
A) Newspaper
B) Internet
C) Radio
D) T.V
E) Manpower agency/consultants
14) In case of recruitment online what are the modes you follow?
Through your website
Through other job portals
Mass Emailing
On yellow pages under job category
On free advertisement sites
15) Are you aware of any job portal?
If yes, name a few of them
16) Do you recruit freshers?
17) How many technical personnel you might recruit within the next 6months time?
18) What is the projected estimate of recruitment in the next year in the following categories?
D) Marketing
19) In your opinion what would be the requirement in terms of number of technical personnel at entry level job in your organization in next year?
20) In your opinion what would be the requirement in terms of number of technical personnel at entry level job in the country in next year?
21) In your opinion what would be the requirement in terms of number of technical personnel at entry level job in the middle management in next year?
22) In your opinion what would be the requirement in terms of number of technical personnel at entry level job in the top management in next year?
23) How much salary do you pay to the employee who is a fresher with UG qualification?
Above 30000
24) How much salary do you pay to the employee who is a fresher with PG qualification?
25) How much salary do you pay to the employee who is a fresher with Mphil?
26) How much salary do you pay to the employee who is a fresher with PhD?
27) Tick the appropriate qualifications and experience you prefer for each position?
A) Production Incharge
Qualification (Tick only one) Experience (Tick only one)
1) UG a) Fresher
2) PG b) 1-3 yrs
3) Mphil c) 4-6 yrs
4) PhD d) 7-10 yrs
e) Above 10 yrs
B)Q.C/Q.A Incharge
Qualification (Tick only one) Experience (Tick only one) only
C) R&D Incharge
D) Marketing Incharge
28) Give the range of salary per month you offer to the following executive in Rs.
1) R&D Director
2) R&D Manager
3) General Manager (Production)
4) Quality Control Manager
5) Production Manager
6) General Manager (Marketing)
7) Marketing Manager
Note: This survey is for research and statistics purpose only, the data collected will not be transferred to any other third party without your consent.